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What is The Bhutan Collective?

The Bhutan Collective was created for those with a deep appreciation for what can be shared and learned through the philosophy of Gross National Happiness and Bhutan’s unique approach to:

        Business: Bhutan’s GNH for Business rethinks traditional business practices and  offers an holistic and sustainable approach,                   offering business a way to ensure profitability does not come at the expense of the environment and the community.
        People: Bhutan is committed to measuring the collective happiness and wellbeing of its people and the overall development of the          country according to a set of values that align with the Fourth King, His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck’s declaration that “GNH            is more important than GDP”
        Planet: Bhutan is the first carbon negative country in the world with legislation ensuring 70% of the country remains under forest            cover. It has also banned plastic and the sale of cigarettes.

We are passionate about global leaders and businesses experiencing the personal and business value in the learnings of Gross National Happiness.  It is an opportunity to learn how the philosophy has been developed (including its challenges and successes) and how it can be explored and implemented outside Bhutan to create new ways of thinking for business and people to thrive.

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